Merlin Plastics was mentioned, and how as a company we are one of the first companies in North America to use post-consumer products in the creation of FDA resin material.
We asked 3 companies to recycle Canadian plastic and secretly tracked it. Only 1 company recycled the material (Merlin Plastics)
News post showing how Merlin Plastics proves it’s recycling capabilities & promises in this secret test.
(Image is from news post)
Nova Chemicals, Merlin Plastics partner to expand PCR supply
This news post is about Nova’s collaboration with Merlin Plastics Inc., to expand Merlin’s FDA application and production.
Collection of soft plastic for recycling being tested in capital region
This news post talks about the impact of the collaboration between Recycle BC and Merlin Plastics on Soft Plastics recycling.
(Image is from the post).
Metro Vancouver Recyclable Plastics Not Affected by China’s Ban
Merlin Plastics & The President & CEO makes an appearance on the Vancouver news